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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Linus, circa 2012

Last year I bought the Charlie Brown Nativity on post-holiday clearance to add it to my Nativity collection. Since we took it out of the box the other day, Robbie has played with it quite a bit.

At first, I got all warm and fuzzy, watching him spend so much time with it, recalling Linus's monologue about the true meaning of Christmas:

As Robbie was playing with the figures, I noticed he'd dropped Linus's staff. I handed it to him, telling him not to lose it, that a shepherd needs his staff.
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A few minutes later I heard him say in a very gruff voice,

"Listen! I've got a staff & I'm not afraid to use it."

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Momza said...

Charlie Brown Christmas is so much a part of my childhood too! And how cool is it that you have the figurines?! Would that we could all remember Linus' perspective of Christmas...Charles Schultz would be proud.

kimybeee said...

love it!! i went to buy one the other evening and just couldn't bear to fork out the $18 for it. i love snoopy - maybe i will get it today when i am out!

Rachel said...

Oh goodness.... I am cracking up. That is utterly hilarious!

I'm thinking that was one of those "extra" scenes from the movie :)