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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blue and back

I said I would do it. On the occasion of my 40th birthday, I decided to color my hair blue. In the absence of a stylist willing to bleach my dark brown locks white and then dye them blue, I resorted to a can of blue hair spray.


Annie told me I was sabotaging her social life. Robbie asked me if I could please take a shower because my hair was creepy. Charlie didn't appear to notice. Mike just laughed. 

I did it because I'm 40 and I can do what I want to. Which is also why I washed it out four hours later:


To be honest, I liked the color. But my hair was the consistency of straw, my head smelled like an AquaNet factory, and my scalp was starting to burn and itch, which just wouldn't do at all. So I washed it out and am left contemplating just how I want to greet this new decade of my life.

Maybe a tattoo isn't such a crazy idea after all...


Sara said...

Awesome idea!!! Maybe for my 30th I will do something fun like that!! Though, the tattoo idea sounds like fun too! I have 2 of them now and while I still need to get my ex husband's name covered on my first one my 2nd one is the pink breast cancer ribbon in memory of my grandma. They are addicting but definitely fun! And would certainly be a good way to celebrate turning 40! OH! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Despite all the side effects this sounds like a great way to celebrate turning 40.

Momza said...

Here you go my friend--a wonderful to celebrate turning 40!

Amy said...

Oh Momza, I wish I'd seen this sooner. I still might plan to do it anyway. Thank you for sharing it.

Lisa said...

Here's to you! You are my role model - I really mean it. I wish everyone could embrace aging the way you do. Bravo Blue Lady!! Happy Birthday.

Beth said...

Ha! I'm so happy you went through with it! Please tell me before you washed it out you went out in public for the big hurrah. That would make my day.