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Sunday, June 5, 2011

True or False

True or false: Is this an actual conversation that took place somewhere in the U.S. tonight?

Child 1: I'm kind of nervous about starting summer gym. I'm afraid I'll be the only person who won't know anyone.

Parent: Well, just tell yourself that you'll get to know just one person on the first day.

Child 1: Mom, this is not the 80s or the 90s. It's not some movie where you meet someone on the first day and then you're lifelong friends. High school is like a shark pit. You have to flounder in the water for a while and try not to move. Then when a shark comes along, you have to make friends with it.

Child 2: Yeah, Mom. No one goes around shaking hands.

Child 1: Seriously. If you go up and introduce yourself to someone, you're automatically tagged as a "holy roller."

Parent: Whatever you say, dear. I have to go finish ironing name labels into your gym clothes.


Annie said...

Oh to be a fly on the wall in your house! LOL!

Michelle@gotchababy said...

Oh my! MaM starts daycamp tomorrow, it hasn't occurred to her to be nervous. I'm doing that for her though.

So it's the holy rollers who go on and introduce themselves, huh???

Ryan R. said...

Wait a iron???

Amy said...

@Ryan -- I do lots of things you'd be surprised about.

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Holy roller, that cracks me up.

As for ironing, Ryan, don't be impressed, they're little labels. But Amy, you should have starched her shorts and added pleats. That would get people talking...

Stacy said...

Too funny! I am sure I've had this exact conversation (or at least a reasonable facsimile) in the past. They're right, tho'. The kids who are polite and friendly are considered to be the weirdos.

caralyn said...

bwahahaha! No lie. I had a VERY similar conversation with two of the Munchkins last night about making friends at SummerCamp (today was the first day).

Janet said...

Sounds like the words that would come from my 7th grader. You just made my day a little brighter.

CWMartin said...

Now I don't care who you are, that stuff's funny!