I'm not really nervous. I love an audience! But I am excited in a "maybe I need a pre-show glass of wine" sort of way. I spent the morning getting things ready:
Clothes for Robbie's school program tonight...(his clothes, not mine)...CHECK.
E-mail directions to the theatre to my dad...(because apparently he doesn't have Google)...CHECK.
Steal Annie's makeup...(because I don't really own any)...CHECK.
Curling iron...CHECK
New shoes that might add a hint of unwelcome realism to my piece if I'm not careful...CHECK.
Two versions of my outfit...(because I still don't know what to wear)...CHECK.
Extra underwear...(Hey! You never know...)...CHECK.
I want to text Mike and tell him not to bring me flowers or anything. But I'm afraid he'll say he wasn't planning to bring me flowers or anything and then I might be disappointed.
I'm a little embarrassed that the pre-show slideshow will display me in varying degrees of fatness. "Oh look, there's skinny (skinnier) Amy." "Oh, there you are...what happened to you?!" But so proud that my beautiful kids and my wonderful mom will also grace the screen with me.
I'm humbled by the friends who purchased tickets and are coming to the show to hear me read my piece.
Mostly, I'm just so honored to be part of this cast. These women have stories to tell -- amazing stories and ordinary stories told in amazing ways.
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