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Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am really finding myself at a loss for blog words these days. I'm not sure what the cause is -- I think of things to write about, but don't seem to find the energy to put the fingers to the keys to make it entertaining, or even mildly coherent.

Maybe what I need is another outlet to spark the creativity -- like painting or ceramics or something. Not necessarily a new hobby, just a night out to do something a little different. Maybe a little Wine and Canvas. Check that out. Does that sound cool or what?! Or there's an "Evening with Clay" at a local retreat center next month. The idea of sinking my hands in the clay sounds good.

Or planting bulbs! Every spring I wish that I'd planted tulip and daffodil bulbs the previous fall. Maybe that's what I'll do on Saturday. Digging my hands into the dirt sounds quite appealing.

What do you do when you feel like you need a little creative boost?


BeMistified said...

I too have come to this demise. I just go out and about and see what's happening. Blog about what HAS happened in the past like Spalding, Batspork and the Halloween desk. All posts on my blog. Bloggers Block, I like the sound of that. =D

Anonymous said...

Your blog is like a post it note on my head. How else would I have remembered to plant the garlic. Dig deep writing warrior.

Momza said...

I get clears my mind and opens the creative channels!
And hey, thanks for reminding me to plant bulbs!!!!

Mama bird said...

Want to come to a cooking class with me in Carmel sometime? I need to do something inspirational, too...and I have coupons purchased months ago on Groupon that I'd love to share!

Claudya Martinez said...

An evening with clay sounds wonderful. Inspiration is all around us, we just need to stay engaged. The words will come, they always do.

Joanie said...

Grab your camera and go to a favorite place and start shooting!