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Thursday, February 13, 2014

11 reasons he's my favorite

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Guess what? Today is Robbie's birthday, too! He is 11. He was born 6 years and 39 minutes after his big sister, making him my favorite (youngest) child. Why, you ask? I'll give you 11 good reasons:
  1. He is the last to call me Mommy, to stretch his arms out of a crib for me to pick him up. He's survived being the one whose pacifier got the "5-second" rule treatment when it fell on the floor.
  2. He's a lover, always wanting a hug or to cuddle up under a blanket to watch TV.
  3. He is enthusiastic, not about everything, but when he likes something -- dinosaurs, Legos, NFL teams -- he likes them with his whole heart.
  4. He is a crafty thinker, knowing just what to say to get you to see things his way. #gotoTarget
  5. He loves family. Nothing makes him happier than to see his cousins or grandparents or aunts and uncles.
  6. He is timid about trying new things, but he keeps taking steps to try them, which makes him, in my book, brave.
  7. He's goofy. Watching him is like watching a cartoon character. Such an animated face.
  8. He makes us laugh, often without trying. "Do Jewish people speak Canadian?"
  9. He's a homebody. Someday that might not be so great, like when he is living in my basement at the age of 35, but right now I love that he likes to be home.
  10. He's a roller coaster fanatic. You couldn't pay me to get on one of those things, but I love that he is fearless about riding them.
  11. He is my Robbie Dobbie.


Michelle said...

Oh happy birthday to your boy!! He and my favorite youngest child have a lot in common :)