Can you believe it? Two blog posts in one day. Guess I'm feeling chatty or inspired or something. It's been a bit since I've done a Friday Fragments post and I'm kind of missing Mrs. 4444s and all the friends I encounter via Friday Fragments so let's not waste any more time.

Robbie was insistent that he carry a Nerf gun as part of his Angry Bird ensemble. Then he would walk up to the door of each house and say "Trick or treat. I'm just a Angry Bird...wif a gun." It was so funny. As we walked through the neighborhood, people would say "Look! An Angry Bird," to which Robbie would shout while raising his hand in the air "wif a gun!"
We're 4 days into November already and I don't even have my Christmas shopping spreadsheet created yet. What's happening to me? This year instead of shopping in Cleveland, my mom, sisters and I are shopping here in Indy. I'm going to really try to make most of my purchases from independent stores and avoid the big box retailers as much as possible.

How would you love to not have to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but still get to eat all the yummy deliciousness? FitCity Indianapolis and Avec Moi are giving away a free, healthy and still tasty Thanksgiving dinner for 8. If you're in the area and want to enter -- or if you live far away and want to enter and bring the meal to my house to eat -- visit the FitCity Facebook page.
Mike is wrapping up week 2 of the new job. He likes it, but its a transition for all of us. That's a whole 'nother blog post. So please come back to read again later. In the meantime, go visit Mrs. 4444s and all of the other Friday Fragmenters.
I used to sew on all of Mac's scout patches until someone let me know they could be ironed on.
I did a 2-for-1 Friday, too. lol! I love the boys costumes. They look great. Your shoes are snazzy!
I LOVE those shoes. I miss the days when I had money to buy them :)
Also, I love the Angry Birds costume!
I am addicted to Angry Birds. However, I am passing the addiction on to an 11 year old friend who runs down my battery on my iPhone. Better her than me.
Love the costumes. I'm with you, I haven't started my list yet either. I need to, I hate shopping without one.
Your mammogram/shoes/laundry fragment cracked me up :)
I miss you, too! Glad to hear you're doing well and taking care of the girls :)
Thanks for linking up!
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