I know you'll be making your big flight tomorrow and I didn't want you to get confused when you peeked in our window and saw some lady with blue hair sleeping in my bed. It's really me.
You might have heard that I promised to dye my hair blue in exchange for donations to a little girl's Make-a-Wish Fund. Well, we got the donations and I kept my word. Let me tell you, it was not an easy process. I was at the salon for 5-1/2 hours! But Shana was a good elf and did a great job.

After the bleach was all gone, Shana put some stuff in my hair called "Prepare." I had my own little prepare concoction, too. It wasn't the margarita that I had envisioned, but it turns out Almond Snickers do almost as good of a job calming pre-dye job jitters. So does a visit from a social media buddy, Chris Theisen, who works nearby and thought he'd come offer a little support, which was nice considering he's one of the two people who got me into this in the first place.

Shana said they do a lot of reds and pinks, but I'm the first person to ever ask for blue. I love being a trendsetter!

Twenty minutes later, it was time for the wet reveal. My blue locks drew plenty of attention from the other "elves" at the salon, all of whom said they loved it. I don't think they were lying -- you know, trying to stay on the Nice List and all, Santa.
Are you tired yet? Because by this point, I was getting there. But Shana still had to touch up the rest of my color (apparently blue and gray together is not a good look), then wax my eyebrows (which were in desperate need), then do the cut and style.
Whew! But it was so worth all the effort. Well, I hope Shana thinks so because my effort consisted of sitting there, eating Almond Snickers, playing Words with Friends and updating Facebook on my phone.
Here's the final product:

It shows up differently depending on the lighting. Here's a pic my sister took the next day in her office under much brighter lights:
I think I might be a little addicted to color now. It's so fun, isn't it?
The reaction from other people has been pretty varied. Some people -- Mike included -- love it. Others are disappointed that I didn't do my whole head. Several people wanted to know if I was going to last night's Colts game (Nope.). Random people have commented that they like it. A few people looked at it and didn't say a word. I guess they are of the "if you can't say anything nice..." school of thought.
The best response came from the kids in Robbie's class. A little girl looked at me and said "What happened to your hair?!" I played dumb and said, "What do you mean? What's wrong with my hair?"
"It's blue!" she shrieked.
"It is?!," I said, playing shocked. "I knew I shouldn't have kissed that Smurf yesterday!" Of course that elicited lots of shrieks about Smurfy PDA.
What do you think Santa? Is my new 'do gift-worthy? Not that it matters. The gift has really been in the experience and in knowing that a little dye on my head helped create happy memories for a very sick little girl.
So, have a safe flight, Santa. We'll be waiting for you here. And please be sure to leave something nice for each of my friends who contributed to Kamylle's Make-a-Wish fund.
I used to have blue hair. Not for charity, I was just a hard livin' punk rock girl, lol! I never did mine professionally, though, so it would fade out rather quickly and end up kinda greenish. So I usually went with neon red. But yours looks lovely! Now I want to get some cute, funky highlights.
Blue is my favorite color. And it looks good on you!
However, I think I'll stick with our school baseball cap day to raise money for Make A Wish. (Each kid who wears a cap on Make A Wish day donates a dollar.)
Looks good, m'lady!
A beautiful look for a beautiful woman! Merry Christmas.
I love it. I think it's perfect as a highlight. Also it will be easier to maintain if you decide on trying other colors. Manic Panic has so many to choose from. When it fades you can just do it yourself. All you need is gloves, manic panic, and foil to keep it from getting on the rest of your hair. http://www.manicpanic.com/amplifiedhaircolor.html
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