Yesterday the kids were just about dressed for school when I remembered that it was "Teamwork Tuesday" and they could wear the bright yellow "teamwork" t-shirts instead of their uniform shirts.
I quickly gathered up the three t-shirts and the kids changed shirts before the carpool arrived. I was pretty proud of myself for remembering (and actually having the shirts clean). Usually, I'm the mom who forgets things like Teamwork Tuesday and "please send in more Kleenex." Yep, since I've started working more hours, I'm one of "those" moms.
But not yesterday. Yesterday, I was ON it and quite pleased with myself for being so. That is until I got home from work to face this:

I quickly gathered up the three t-shirts and the kids changed shirts before the carpool arrived. I was pretty proud of myself for remembering (and actually having the shirts clean). Usually, I'm the mom who forgets things like Teamwork Tuesday and "please send in more Kleenex." Yep, since I've started working more hours, I'm one of "those" moms.
But not yesterday. Yesterday, I was ON it and quite pleased with myself for being so. That is until I got home from work to face this:

Apparently Teamwork Tuesday is NEXT week. Robbie was oblivious and Charlie just wore his sweatshirt all day. But Annie didn't have a sweatshirt with her, so she stuck out like a daffodil in a sea of kids wearing poppy-red uniform shirts. Oops.
Thanks to Joanie at Joanie's Random Ramblings, I'm also ahead of the game when it comes to Easter candy. A few weeks ago, Joanie blogged about marshmallow Peeps and I suggested she do a Peeps giveaway. She did and not only sent a Peeps package to one lucky winner, but also to me for making the suggestion!
When the box arrived on Monday, I was in Peeps heaven:

Thanks to Joanie at Joanie's Random Ramblings, I'm also ahead of the game when it comes to Easter candy. A few weeks ago, Joanie blogged about marshmallow Peeps and I suggested she do a Peeps giveaway. She did and not only sent a Peeps package to one lucky winner, but also to me for making the suggestion!
When the box arrived on Monday, I was in Peeps heaven:

I opened two packages to share with the kids after school. (Our verdict -- orange creme Peeps taste like marshmallows rolled in baby aspirin.) I hid one package in my pajama drawer so I didn't have to share. I cut a slit in the cellophane so they could get just a little stale, exactly the way I like them, and have been treating myself to one at a time. The rest -- including the cute little plush Peep -- I put away in my closet for Easter.
Thanks Joanie!
Thanks Joanie!
Holy peeps, Batman!! It's a marshmallow motherload!
HILARIOUS about the shirts! Sounds exactly like something I would do!
I'm glad to see the Peeps arrived quickly. I was half afraid the lady at Pack n Ship would swipe some! I never tried the orange creme ones.... I tried to get at least one of each color and type.
Too funny about the t-shirts too! I did that once with Gina... thought it was a casual day and she went to school in regular clothes instead of her uniform. All the other kids were jealous!
I LOVE peeps! How funny about the baby aspirin rolled peeps! Hey and I AM one of "THOSE" moms!
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