When I update my status on Facebook, it's usually about me -- something I did or don't want to do or how something made me felt.
I love social media, but I'm becoming increasingly aware of the challenge to remember that it's not all about me, myself and I.
I've received that reminder in sadly abundant ways lately:
- A 36-year-old friend and mother of 8 was recently diagnosed with breast cancer
- A 34-year-old neighbor received the same diagnosis earlier this summer and I didn't even know it
- A friend from college has a tumor on her brain stem
- A fellow blogger was told today that she has cancer. Again.
Or I can be grateful for the social media that exists so that I might share in these people's stories and lift my heart in prayer for the sake of their peace, comfort and healing.
So today, this blog post is not about me. It's about us -- you and I together -- and how we can turn this self-centered technology inside out . Instead of sending out messages of "me, me, me," we can allow these bytes and bandwith to open our hearts to those who are suffering today, to those whose day might be made just a little better by a quick message that says "I'm thinking of you."
It's a reminder I need to hear from time to time. So, how can I pray for you today?
Beautiful post.
Such a lovely reminder that although social media has its faults (namely, the promotion of self...I'm sooo guilty!!:) it also can bring us together when we allow it to. I am so sorry to read about those you mentioned struggling with cancer and will say a prayer right now for them.
Hope your day is lovely.
I am sorry to hear about all the people in your life who are struggling with this horrible disease. I just found out a family friend is going through the same thing; it touches everyone. Thanks for using your blog as a platform to remind us of the important things. I wish your loved ones the best.
Dropping by from PYHO today, and have to say that your post is a wonderful reminder to me. I had not thought about that previously. I know that I am sometimes guilty of too much self focus as well. Definitely making a mental note to keep this in mind.
Thank you. :-)
This was a wonderful post. Such an important reminder that all of us need to hear. We are all guilty of forgetting that we aren't the only people in this world who are going through challenges!
Nothing for me. But I live right next to the TX wildfires, so they could definitely use your prayers. And I am going to re turn it inside out and pray for your friends in return.
You are so right- there are so many people going thru really tough things right now. I think the good thing about social media is that it allows for so many of us to support people.
This was so thoughtful and so true. thanks for the great reminder to think about others besides ourselves. It's something I remind my kids of all the time too - nice to remember it myself.
amy - i am right there with you!! i love knowing my email prayer group is right there when i need them. we are scattered everywhere and most of us have no clue who the others are in our group - but we all have one thing in common. we come together to lift each other up and pray for each other through our trials and triumphs!! we are blessed to have almost as many praises as requests. i personally feel instantly better when i go to them and ask for prayer!!! they have been there with me every step of the way the last year with my anxiety and dental issues. and anything else we need each other for...
i just went to facebook last night and asked for prayer to get us through our latest challenge - two of three vehicles broke down in one week. i instantly got answers of people praying for us - and also heard from others in the same boat we are. we all gather the wagons and help each other through the messes we call life.
i am just as happy to see a blog post from you that asks for prayer for mike to find a job as i am to see a funny gabbi post (well almost, i really like the dog stories lol) so just always keep it real and write what is in your heart. everything you share is part of your story and it is all equally important!!
i love you my internet bff!!!!!
Amen. I'm saying a prayer for everyone who needs it, including my uncle who is suffering with cancer, who's doctor has told him there's nothing else he can do.
Thank you ladies. Praying with you for your intentions as well -- your transportation woes Kim and your uncle, Hotmess. It would be a pretty interesting research project to look at how social media impacts faith and vice versa.
Thank you for pointing this out. I've been thinking a lot about me lately (I've been going through some drama, but its silly really), and today I had a major reality check when I realized what struggles some of my 16 year old students are going through. Struggles I would be afraid to face at 24. I will keep your loved ones in my prayers.
what a beautiful perspective, and i agree about how encouraging we can be and how connected as well through social media regardless of the focus of our blog. the community and the ability to have a far reaching one is one of the great benefits of social media. so glad you linked up with this to PYHO!
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