Tonight on The Biggest Loser, it was Cassandra's night to shine.

But it wasn't just chowing down on 60 calories worth of cookies that made her night. She put herself up against Conda for the weign-in faceoff. During workouts in the gym, Dolvett set the two head to head in a squat thrust competition. Cassandra took her first victory then.
Conda alleged that Cassandra cheated and refused to give her props for the victory, though she did pony up the Subway sandwich that the two had promised to the winner. So during the last chance workout, Dolvett set the two up for a rematch, doing a ladders exercise. Cassandra won that handily. Even that wasn't enough to shut up Conda.
The final match-up between the two came on the scale. Conda posted a measly 3-pound weight loss. Apparently flapping your gums doesn't burn many calories. Cassandra buried Conda's 3 pounds with an 8-pound loss of her own.
Yes! Time to shut your pie hole, Conda!
Although she repeatedly beat Conda this week, Cassandra wasn't arrogant about it. She just worked hard and let her actions do the talking. So far, she is the biggest loser in the house, having lost over 11% of her total body weight. Tonight she emerged as one of my favorite contestants.
In other Biggest Loser news --
Joe from the Black Team made history when he became the first contestant to flat out quit. He didn't ask to be sent home in the elimination (the red team went to the elimination room). He just packed up and left because he missed his family. It will be interesting to see how he does at home.
Lauren was the person eliminated from the red team. It was a surprise to her and to me. Most of the people who voted for her to leave cited her drive and her status as single with no kids as factors that would lead to her success at home. So far, she's proving them right because in the transformation moment, she'd lost 53 pounds and looked great. I do worry about how her mom, Gail, will do being on the ranch by herself. Only time will tell.
Cassandra's grandma, Nancy, was close to elimination tonight. I'm glad she was spared so Cassandra had a terrific week overall.
I had a comment all ready to go and lost it, darn it! Here I go again.
We won't be seeing any updates for Joe. He quit. He's done. He forfeited his right to compete in this competition. The big sissy. His big bully brother got sent home last week, and now Joe is crying he misses his family and left in the night. Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in your fat ass on the way out.
I really wish they had sent Conda home tonight. What a big mouth, you-know-what! I'm SO glad Cassandra showed her up! If you saw the previews for next week, it looks like Dolvett has had enough of Conda too. Maybe she'll get the boot next week. I sure hope so!
And speaking of Dolvett, I'm not liking him so much this year either. I'm getting a real jealous vibe from him. He does not like to lose against Bob, and it's going to be his downfall.
OK, I'll shut up now. :)
I would have been very glad to see Conda go home. Although I think she could use some more time on the ranch and I hope eventually she will see how much of a brat she is. I mean who rolls their eyes and snaps their head around like that as an adult?? She looked like a whiny spoiled brat who didn't get her way!
I really do like Cassandra! She had an AH HA moment this week that she could do anything she set her mind to and that was really inspiring to me!
Ok, I thought somebody was spying on me trying to find my lost keys in a purse 6 midgets could hide in and was telling the blog world I was the biggest loser. Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say Hi and that I would be attending the EBWW 2012 conference as well. I'll be at the "bird" table on Thursday sitting in two chairs. Jody, The Medicare Mom,
If Conda stays around much longer she could make Vicki look good!
Jody -- Nice to meet you! Have you been to EBWW before? I"m a little nervous b/c I'm not a dedicated humor writer, but I love the genre.
Beth -- You made me laugh!
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