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Saturday, July 4, 2009

The good, the bad, the ugly & the unthinkable

The past few days have been a mixed bag of events.

The good:
  1. I got a cute new haircut. Well, right now it doesn't look so cute, so I'm not going to put up a pic right now. But I do like it. It's not super short, but short enough.
  2. Today Mike and I told Robbie that he will be repeating kindergarten. It went surprisingly well. I'm not sure he understood 100%, but we'll reinforce the idea over the next 6 weeks.
The bad:
  1. We rented "He's Not that into You" tonight and the darn thing stopped about 45 minutes before the end. Frustrating.
  2. I still haven't gotten my bedroom cleaned, though it's been on my "to do" list all week.
The ugly:
  1. The dishwasher is broken -- and no longer under warranty.
  2. The freezer is leaking water (a fair amount of it) into the refrigerator.
  3. The bank socked me with $105 in overdraft fees, even though I made a deposit on the same day they had me overdrafted. "Debits come out first, ma'am." Freakin' bankers. If I ran the bank, what would matter would be the balance at the close of business.
  4. #3 makes repairing #s 1 &2 a bit difficult.
The unthinkable:
A woman that I didn't know, but who was also a member on a local moms' online community, passed away on Thursday. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer less than a month ago. You can see her story here. Please keep Michelle Graddy, her husband and their four children (ages 10-2) in your prayers. Her story makes my "good" seem even better and my "bad" and "ugly" mildly inconvenient in comparison.


Angie Seaman said...

Love your analogies girl. Cracks me up. Also, the story about the woman who passed away this week breaks my heart. Her kids, ages 10-2 (and four of them at that)...just kills me. My heart sunk when I read it. You are so very right - that story makes the bad and the ugly seem like roses, doesn't it? Definitely keeping her family in my prayers. How very, very sad!

Hope you had a FAB 4th of July holiday. Enjoy the rest of that summer. I'll be home in a month. Are you ready to take on the job as my workout buddy? Ha ha!

Hugs, Angie